Nuxt 2 is reaching End-of-Life on June 30.


Allows you to better understand what's going on with your application and how to optimize performance and other things in production

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📊 Prometheus integration for Nuxt 3

Allows you to better understand what's going on with your application and how to optimize performance and other things in production. Nuxt 2 users can use this version.

Package support Node <= 17.x, for Node >= 18.x users

Actually package is worked, but requests time coudn't be calculated due to limitation of the @mswjs/interceptors. When it is updated, I will update this package.


  • Default NodeJS metrics exported through the prometheus middleware
  • Custom metrics about pages render time and external request consumption time
  • Health check middleware

Default routes that you can customise via the module options

  • /metrics - prometheus metrics
  • /health - health check


Install package via a package manager:

# using npm
npm install @artmizu/nuxt-prometheus

# using yarn
yarn add @artmizu/nuxt-prometheus

# using pnpm
pnpm add @artmizu/nuxt-prometheus

Add it to a modules section of your nuxt config:

export default {
  modules: ['@artmizu/nuxt-prometheus']

Grafana sample setup

Once the metrics have been collected by Prometheus, you will want to review them. I use Grafana for this purpose, and my metrics setup looks something like this: Cover


You can pass it through module options and the nuxt config property prometheus.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Description: Additional logs in the dev mode, about page rendering time and time of external API requests


  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true
  • Description: To turn on and off the healthcheck route


  • Type: string
  • Default: /health
  • Description: Healthcheck url path


  • Type: string
  • Default: /metrics
  • Description: Prometheus exporter url path